Dusty and his 2 sons and his little girl

Dusty's wife and daughter

Dusty and his son's

Dusty and his 2 sons and his little girl
Central Coast Family Acupuncture, supportingÂ
you and your family's wellness needs
Visit Us
4305 El Camino Real
Atascadero CA 93422
Tel: 805-423-4708
Fax: 805-420-4460
​E-Mail: ccfacupuncture@gmail.com
How Chinese Medicine changed my life
What brought me to Chinese Medicine was my own path to finding health and happiness. While still in Atascadero High school, I became very sick. I had a gastrointestinal issue that was hard to diagnose. For a few years I struggled to keep my health and sanity while trying to figure out exactly what was going on. Finally, I came upon my path of Alternative medicine. I realized that my health was my responsibility and proceeded to make life style and dietary changes, as well as do daily meditation. Slowly but surely I regained my health and had a different perspective on health in general. I knew that I wanted to practice this medicine to help others on their path of achieving health and happiness. I received my first acupuncture treatment after a car accident and I saw improvements immediately. This reassured me that I wanted to practice this medicine. I received my Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine at Five Branches University in Santa Cruz Ca. I am now truly excited and looking forward to supporting the community that I grew up in.
Dustin Garcia L.Ac.